Wednesday, July 28, 2010

James and Jennifer

When I arrived at "The Birds Nest" in Melissa, TX, the rain was POURING down on the wedding site. The bride wasn't there yet, she was off getting her hair done. I was looking around wondering what they were going to do. The brides family showed up with some canopys to put up over the seats so that we could possibly still have the ceremony outside.

It was something out of a movie and right before Jennifer showed up, the clouds broke and the sun came out. We quickly dried off all the tables and chairs and put out the decorations that Jennifer made herself. It was a beautiful scene.
This set of mother and son brings a tear to my eye every time!
What a perfect day to end the day...a Rainbow!

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Busy Couple weeks...

I have had a busy couple of weeks which is great...but I am sorry to have neglected the blog. =( Today I am going to share some photos from my jam packed weekend I had! 4 sessions (including a wedding) in two days made me a very excited and tired girl! First I would love to share the sweet little Audrey!

Isn't she sweet! Next is baby Dylan, he is a repeat customer (YAY) and these were his 9 month session. They are coming back for his 1 year as well.

My other session this same weekend was Stephanie and Alex and their beautiful maternity session. They are a really neat couple who found me on craigslist, yet they happen to live a couple streets over. Its funny how things work out sometimes.

I will have a whole post dedicated to the McMullen Lane wedding coming soon!

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

First Blog!

So from a lot of what I have been reading on the Photobiz Community forums, , blogging is an important part of a photography business. I have decided to give it a try and see how it works out. I guess my first post will be about the newborn session I had this past Saturday.

I made my way to downtown dallas to Monica and Chris's BEAUTIFUL Loft. 2 week old Chloe was taking a nap, and woke in time to have a bottle while I got set up. Chloe had a beautiful full head of hair and was an absolute delight. She was pretty awake and alert and let us do all kinds of shots with her. A couple hours later, we finished up with out having to take any breaks. I can only wish that all my newborn sessions would go half this smoothly!